Tag: Research
Report: Sony Working On New Sulfur Batteries
Today’s mobile devices all require a battery, and increasingly are showing the need for more and more power as they increase in complexity. Power is very much a problem of chemistry – difficult compounds and rare elements are all employed in rechargeable cells, so the field is very much a scientific one. The current battery type…
Self Driving Cars May Cause Motion Sickness
There’s a lot of research into the new self driving car phenomenon coming from universities and manufacturers as the technology improves. For example, a new research project out of the University of Michigan Transport Research Institute, or UMTRI, who have looked into the problem of car sickness for the vehicles. We get car sickness, or…
Microsoft Cuts Xbox One R&D Department in China
After launching the Xbox One in the Far East over the summer it’s now reported that Microsoft will be cutting its research and development staff for the next gen console in China. Microsoft announced major layoffs in the past fortnight across its global business and perhaps the late start and lackluster response for the Xbox…
Microsoft Cuts Xbox One R&D Department in China
After launching the Xbox One in the Far East over the summer it’s now reported that Microsoft will be cutting its research and development staff for the next gen console in China. Microsoft announced major layoffs in the past fortnight across its global business and perhaps the late start and lackluster response for the Xbox…
MIT Develops World’s First Transforming Robot
The boffins at Harvard, Cornell and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have come up with an innovative concept for the world’s first Transforming Robot. Rather than arriving from Cybertron as expected the little shape-shifting bot comes from the East Coast of America where the developers were inspired by the Japanese paper folding art of origami…
PS4 Outsells Xbox One for the 4th Month in A Row
Meanwhile, in North America (USA, Canada, etc.) Microsoft’s new Xbox One has been universally thrashed by Sony’s latest Playstation. PS4 sales have topped XBONE (Xbox One) sales for the last 4 months, and amazingly forecasts show they have no signs of stopping. Sales figures for April have yet to be revealed for the PS4, but…
Nintendo Addresses ‘Blurry’ Concerns on New Bigger 3DS XL Handheld
In the latest ‘Iwata Asks’ Nintendo’s CEO questions console engineers about the visual quality of the new 3DS XL.
Largest Research Review to Date Deems Mobile Phone Radiation is Not Harmful
The humble mobile phone isn’t that dangerous to our health after all, hurrah!