British Tax Payers to Buy Apple iPad Tablets for 650 Members of Parliment

It’s good to know as a British Taxpayer, where all that money goes – so we’re sure you’ll be thrilled to hear that your recent contributions will help 650 Members of Parliament get their hands on brand new Apple iPad tablets!

Oh, not so thrilled? Nor are we to be honest. But here’s the story..

A number of MPs already have been spotted using their own gadgets to relay reports and speeches at Westminster and this move was made to actually cut back on the costs for the old fashioned pen and paper method. As you may have known from staring longingly through the window of PC World, Currys or similar gadget chain store – an Apple iPad (third gen) can cost anywhere from £400 for a 16GB Wi-Fi model up to around £660 for a full-fat 64GB Wi-Fi and 3G edition.

The total combined cost of giving these MPs each one of the must-have device for “work purposes” that many of us could only dream of owning will cost between £260,000 and £429,000 to us Tax payers and is part of an IT upgrade for the suits running this place, which started back in February – Coincidental just before it was announced the price of your booze and fags went up by some considerable pennies.

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