Telltale Games Promises More Walking Dead Before Season Two

Rabid fans of episodic survival game series The Walking Dead are hungry for the second season to begin after a cliff-hanger ending to the first five instalments on consoles and mobile gadgets. Despite the continuation of this exciting series having no confirmed start date, the game’s developer Telltale Games has hinted that more content might become available before the new series is unleashed.

The Walking Dead game series writer Jeff Whitta revealed to IGN that fans will not be forced to wait for the second season of The Walking Dead for more of the zombie bashing and emotionally tense storytelling which is based within the virus ravaged world of Robert Kirkman’s creation.

In his interview with the games and entertainment website Whitta says “I can tell you what you already know, which is season two is coming. There’s not much to say because it really is very early, it’s a way off” but excitingly hints “but, knowing that it’s a way off, and knowing that people are hungry for more Walking Dead, there may very well be more Walking Dead from Telltale before season two. We may have a little something extra for you between season one and two.”

This suggests a possible expansion will become available for download at some point in the near future and perhaps featuring new characters as we have been told that more appearances by established characters are to be expected.

The Walking Dead from Telltale Games began as a download for PlayStation Network and Xbox LIVE in April 2012 and featured five episodes ending in November, when it infected Apple iOS and became available as a retail edition on physical disc. The game focuses on a new character, an escaped prisoner name Lee Everett and includes encounters with familiar faces such as Hershel Greene and Glen Rhee from the TV Show. It has sold over 8.5-million downloads and is critically acclaimed for its story writing.

Fans of The Walking Dead should enjoy the Gadget Helpline’s ‘Dead Good Guide to the Deceased on Your Devices‘ which features the very best zombie apps, websites and games to keep you up to date with the AMC TV Show and Image Comics series!