Ubisoft Reports Biggest Sales On PS4

Ubisoft’s latest earnings report has shown that not only has the company made some significant headway in terms of sales of new titles such as Assassin’s Creed unity, but also that the company’s biggest market is on Sony’s Playstation 4. the report shows that the Xbox One saw dramatically less Ubisoft sales than on the PS4.

It’s interesting to note that this divide between sales on consoles is not effected by exclusive, Ubisoft doesn’t often exclusively release their best titles on one console or the other, so it’s safe to say that fans of the studio are more likely to be playing titles on the PS4.

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Figures below from the the most recent earnings report from Q3 2014, which includes sales figures from the holiday period, show that new console sales almost tripled from the same quarter last year, whilst sales of the older console generation dropped by more than half.

Speaking in a recent interview regarding powerhouse title Assassin’s Creed Unity following the report, Ubisoft’s CEO Yves Guillemot said that when building Unity the company had to take their game design experience to the next level. “Assassin’s Creed Unity was able to deliver the most beautiful graphics we’ve ever created,” he said.

When asked about the several graphical problems that players of the title experienced, Guillemot said that when building the game Ubisoft were challenged by the sheer complexity of the new consoles that Unity was designed for. “It’s very important to understand there’s a new transition of consoles; we try to create engines that take full advantage of the capacity of the consoles,”

“In the case of Unity, we had to re-do 100 percent of the engine. When you do that, it’s painful and it has to be re-calibrated. With this game, a few things were not perfect when it launched and it’s going to help the brand shine in the future.” He said.

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Assassin’s Creed is expected to continue this year, with a new upcoming title expected this autumn possibly titled ‘Victory’. Ubisoft is currently developing the title exclusively on the software that powered Unity, and it’s expected that the game will be as popular on the PS4 as previous titles released last year.

Whether you own the PS4 or an Xbox one, 2015 is expected to be the year that game developers finally bring out products fully optimized for the new generation of consoles. With two years of time to catch up software wise, we should be getting our hands on some great next gen titles from a whole host of developers this year.

Via: Gamespot

Via: GameInformer