Vimeo Video Site Enhancer Offers 50,000 Royalty Free Tracks for Your Clips

YouTube-a-like video site Vimeo recently set out to raise its users’ awareness of the dangers of using copyrighted music, opening up a music store with free and low-priced tracks for budding Scotts and Scorseses, or those with a fascination with capturing their cat doing weird stuff, to add a cool soundtrack to their creative clips.

Like us, you probably hate it when video sites block your videos for your use of a popular artist’s tune on your holiday compilation or woman falling down hole video. Even when you research and add a sufficient disclaimer, the ‘Tube still slaps a ban on all of your hard work!

Now Vimeo has upped its music store scheme by partnering with Smartsound on the video enhancer – an audio matching service which will find a perfectly suitable musical accompaniment for your exciting action and adventure scenes or a sombre song for a more mellow moment – making movies more unique and personal than ever. The library features over 50,000 royalty-free audio files which can fit seamlessly over any video of any length through the Vimeo website’s editing tool.

Vimeo is available online as well as in free app form through the Apple App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android. Tracks through Smartsound on Vimeo cost $1.99 for your everyday personal use and a fair bit more, at $19.99, for a track to be used on a commercial use video.

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