Virgin Media Joins Everything Everywhere in Testing for UK 4G / LTE By End of 2012

After it was revealed yesterday that Everything Everywhere, the parent company of both T-Mobile and Orange networks will be launching a limited range UK trial later this year for the super-speedy 4G mobile data standard starting in our nearby Bristol – Virgin Media has now also announced its own involvement in bringing LTE to Blighty.

4G – or LTE as it’s otherwise known – is a mobile data carrying network which should double the speed of our data connections but need much research and adequate tech to bear the passing high speed information. The Americans are currently enjoying this privilege on gadgets such as the Samsung Galaxy S Blaze 4G and our own version of the network was previously slated to launch in the United Kingdom by 2015. This could be sooner than we were informed with Virgin now on board to bring 4G over here within the year after lengthy testing of the new age tech.
Virgin Media has ties with Everything Everywhere through its mobile virtual network operator agreement so presumably all will work together for the greater good and it’s said by RegHardware that Virgin is currently “dropping fibre-connected LTE Small Cells into urban areas, to see how easily decent coverage could be established”. Once established 4G should cover 98% of the UK population – and it should be coming soon.

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