Xbox 720 “Durango” Packs Powerful 16-Core Processing to Rival Top-End Gaming PCs

Microsoft’s next console could blow away some of the most hardcore gaming dedicated computers if the latest Xbox 720 rumour is to be believed. Xbox World is reporting that the developmental project codenamed “Durango” will benefit from a 16-core processor – more power than a number of top-end gaming PCs packing the newest AMD CPUs.

The British publication Xbox World suggests that the current developers package for the Xbox 720 / Durango is said to be an “insides-only” representation of what the future Xbox will come with. The appearance is not final but it’s now reported that regardless of it’s final look the Xbox 720 will be powered by the 16 core IBM PC CPU complimented by a graphics processor to boot, a GPU which gives even Radeon’s HD 7000 a run for its money. Despite how truly awesome a machine these elements make, the mag thinks that’s all a little OTT, and says “It’s a ridiculous amount of power for a games machine – too much power, even.”

Bearing in mind a number of the rumours we’re hearing about the capabilities of the next Xbox and its highly advanced and super sensor based control system are pretty mind blowing, the console will need to be something of a beast to keep up and XBW’s reporter continues “But remember, Kinect 2 could chew up four whole cores tracking multiple players right down to their fingertips, so it’ll need a lot of power “

Before all this excitement gets to your head remember that with great power comes great responsibility – and a much greater price tag! We await a solid confirmation, a release date and pricing for Microsoft’s next console but we don’t expect it to come cheap.

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