Next XBox fake image exposed – Microsoft designer admits hoax

A sneak peak image of what could have been the next XBox appeared on the internet yesterday, very publically, through the online portfolio of a former Microsoft designer, who has now unsurprisingly admitted it was a fake and the post has been removed.

NOT the next XBox

Ben Peterson has worked alongside Microsoft’s interactive design division and had posted an obscured image, leaving much to the imagination, along with the caption “Microsoft Xbox. Confidential / Collaboration with Microsoft’s IEB design group investigating future user experiences and hardware for 2015. *Work samples only permissible in person.* (March 2011).”

2015 is not a year unfamiliar with Xbox-ers. This speculated release date for a new console has been kicking around for some time now, so this post by Peterson has without a doubt caused frenzy amongst the gaming community.

Would Microsoft ever allow or tolerate such a leak of information on one of its most anticipated gaming gadgets? We think not. After the recent image surfaced of a “YBox” packaging it’s quite likely that someone on the inside would have a laugh at gamers eager for the scoop on the next Xbox 360 (and no doubt gained him a lot of hits to his site!).

With the E3 conference just months away, in June we may find out some real details on the future of the games console. Until then don’t believe everything you read!

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