1,500 Virgin Media customers infected with virus

Virgin Media has warned around 1,500 of its broadband customers that their PCs or laptops are infected with a harmful Trojan virus.

Individual letters were sent out to customers this week explaining that they have unwittingly downloaded a malicious SpyEye Trojan virus. The virus is said to be a keylogger, in that it will record any usernames and passwords typed in online, and send them back anonymously to the virus’ creator.

Earlier this week Virgin was made aware of the situation by the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA), who detailed the serious nature of the problem.

Virgin Media have since responded by sending out some 1,500 letters to customers giving warning of the virus, and even giving detailed instructions on how to remove the virus safely and continue computing. Customers are urged to update their security software as soon as possible, and are also offered to sign up to Virgin’s PC help service.

“It’s a small number compared to the four million customers we have,” said a spokesman for Virgin Media, “but regardless of that, because of the seriousness it’s still important to communicate with our customers.”

The infection isn’t limited to Virgin Media customers, so there may be other customers out there unaware of the Trojan virus lying within their PCs.

Bravo to Virgin Media for contacting their customers and offering helpful advice on removing the virus. If you’ve had troubles with the SpyEye Trojan virus, don’t hesitate to let us know via our Twitter or Facebook pages!