3 months free music from Napster and Carphone Warehouse UK

Online service Napster has formed a mobile musical tag-team with Carphone Warehouse in the UK that will offer us 3 months streaming music with contract phones and this will generously be completely free of charge!

When you purchase an iPhone or Android handset from one of 820 Carphone Warehouse stores throughout August you can sign up to the Napster Unlimited music market and enjoy around £30 worth of service including a choice of tracks from over 17-million that are available from the online library.

Even when you’re offline, the music will be available to play with the 3 month complimentary period, and another bonus is that once you’ve signed up to the subscription service it can be accessed from your new smartphone itself, or your desktop computer with wireless sync of librarys and playlists.

Napster says “In delivering this offer we are now able to break down the barriers to entry and open up a world of music to new users.”

We hadn’t heard much from Napster since its not-so-legit person-to-person sharing service was troubled out of business by Metallica’s drum troll Lars Ulrich back in the early 00’s. But we’re happy it’s back and giving us free stuff!

You’re an Android-packing music fanatic and want to know the best apps and places to be on your mobile? Try the Gadget Helpline’s Android Setup for Music Fans!

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