Adobe Flash continues to play on BlackBerry PlayBook

A few days after Adobe’s plan to kill off Flash Player was outted, RIM has declared the web-based video software is here to stay – on BlackBerry PlayBook at least.

The makers of the struggling media tablet made the official statement revealing that Flash Player will continue to be supported on PlayBook despite Adobe abandoning the software on future portable gadget releases and RIM’s firm backing of HTML5: “As an Adobe source code licensee, we will continue to work on and release our own implementations. RIM remains committed to delivering an uncompromised web browsing experience to our customers, including native support for Adobe Flash Player on our BlackBerry PlayBook tablet.”

Clutching onto a dated and inadequate mobile software that late Apple leader Steve Jobs referred to as lacking in “openness” RIM must think that hosting Adobe Flash Player will give the PlayBook tablet a much needed air of exclusiveness – delivering something no one else has. Perhaps that’s because no one else wants it and why Adobe is scrapping it, as mobile tech companies move forward with the much more versatile and effective HTML5.    

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