First Look at Amazing Spider-Man Creator Stan “The Man” Lee in New Video Game

Back in March your Friendly Neighbourhood Gadget Helpline bloggers were delighted by the news that Amazing Spider-Man creator Stan “The Man” Lee was being included as a playable character in the new video game tie-in to the upcoming reimagining of Peter Parker origin story which swings onto the big screen in 2D, 3D and IMAX format on July the 3rd.

Today we’ve seen a special character trailer for the marvellous Amazing Spider-Man game which features the 89-year old writer and editor in action in the very adventures he inspired for the very first time! Stan Lee introduces the clip and appears in his usual animated and excited fashion to express his excitement about appearing as himself in the game.

Understood to be a pre-order reward for early buyers of the game, “The Man” is seen swinging across the New York City skyline and beating baddies but forsakes the traditional Spidey costume appearing in a more subdued suit and tie. But don’t let that fool you – Stan tells us that he also has all the special powers that his creation Spider-Man has including web-shooting, skilled hand-to-hand combat with all the acrobatics of the Web-Slinger himself and the social-savvy senior tells us he’s “definitely going to tweet about this!”

Referring to his sneaky appearances in many Marvel hero movies, Lee tells us it’s great to have another amazing appearance for the “King of Cameos!”

The Amazing Spider-Man game is released on July the 23rd for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 and follows the movie’s launch on the 3rd.

Did you know that Spider-Man is a one-time member of The Avengers? The super team-up of Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and the Incredible Hulk is still enjoying its own big screen success and the Gadget Helpline assembled a collection of apps to help you celebrate this season of superheroes in a recent feature!

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