Amazon Android tablet: Price set for £150?

It’s not even been officially announced yet, but analysts are already climbing over themselves to try and guess the price of the Amazon tablet. On such analyst at Creative Strategies has made the bold claim that Amazon will look to sell the tablet at a huge loss, and recoup the profits elsewhere.
CS’s Tim Barjarin claims that the tablet will sell for around $249 (£150), in a bid to dramatically undercut not only the rest of the Android brigade, but also the iPad 2. The plan on Amazon’s front would be that, while £150 would be a loss in terms of manufacturing costs, it would recoup the cash in app and ebook sales.

Seems like a risk to us, since many people are reluctant to buy any apps, let alone ones at the kind of expense Amazon would be looking for. Is this low price likely to be a fixture? Let us know your thoughts on the Gadget Helpline Twitter feed.