Android N Becomes Android Nougat – When Will You Get It?

Android N finally has an official name and we can now confirm that this sweet new update to the Google mobile OS is going to be known as Android Nougat (not Nutella as many had hoped!)

Android 7.0 / N has been on a long journey before reaching the hands of the general public, with beta previews released as early as March with further developer-only updates becoming available in April, May, June and July for those with Nexus devices.

Since this will be a full step up in version number it obviously took a bit of work and Google as always have respected the dev’s opinions to ensure the promised improvements in multi-tasking, seamless updating, security and new features such as a wider selection of keyboard themes are in top shape for launch.

Throughout these developmental phases the new OS still didn’t have a name but now the full consumer-ready version of Android Nougat is nearing completion and is expected to start rolling out on select devices in August/September.


So now it’s got a name, when can you get to grips with Android Nougat?

The predictions are in, and based on previous trends we should probably expect Android Nougat to start reaching Nexus devices very early after launch, obviously these are Google’s own products so priority is given to their faithful followers.

After this HTC and LG owners should expect to see the update around December time with Samsung probably not getting a look in until early Q1 2017. BlackBerry, late to embrace Android as a, likely won’t see Nougat until the middle of next year.

The Gadget Helpline will keep on the ball to bring you the official release schedules when they become available and information on how to update your devices.

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