Angry Birds Rio will be free on Android Market this week

Angry Birds Rio is already available on Android via the Amazon Apps Store, but now the official Android Market will be offering it sometime later this week, and for free too.

Amazon gained exclusivity with the newest version of the super-addictive bird-flinging game when they launched their own ‘Apps Store’ last week. Downloads of the app were free through Amazon for the first week, and have now gone up to 99c.

Game developers Rovio Mobile revealed that Angry Birds Rio will be offered for free from the Android Market sometime later this week, though due to it being a free app, there will be adverts.

This is good news for Android users worldwide, as Amazon currently restrict their store to US customers only. Android worldwide users rejoice, you can finally get your Angry Birds Rio fix!

Rio is already available on iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, with Symbian and WebOS versions coming early on next month.

Eager to get your hands on Angry Birds Rio for your Android device? Let us know by leaving a comment or tweeting us @Gadget_Helpline.