Apple product launch: Secret in-store announcement scheduled this weekend

Apple Store staff are no strangers to secrecy and suprise updates; it’s something you just have to deal with when working for the world’s most influential tech company. According to rumour this morning, it seems like there’s soon set to be a fresh secret for store staff to deal with, as BGR claims that Apple is due to launch some new hardware in-store over the weekend.

The word is that Apple stores have already received the new machines – whatever they may be – and that they have been locked up until midnight on Saturday, which will mark the 10th anniversary of Apple’s first store. Staff have reportedly signed on for overnight shifts and have also downloaded a special app called ‘training’ which will time-release itself on Saturday night.

There’s no word on what this product launch could be, but our guess would be a refreshed MacBook. A source told the Gadget Helpline Blog a month or two ago that the MacBook was set for an imminent update and, for our money, it’s one of the only Apple devices low-key enough to have an in-store upgrade (as opposed to a grandiose San Fran product launch).

What do you think? Are these rumours to be believed? let us know your thoughts on the Gadget Helpline Twitter feed.