WatchKit is finally here – It’s just arrived along with iOS 8.2 beta. The development tool is the the easiest and best way to create apps for Apple’s upcoming Apple Watch, the device that everyone is convinced will revolutionize the fledgling wearable tech market.

It’s been a busy year for Apple, with numerous iPad and iMac releases already under their belt, but at least now third party developers will be able to take over the user driven process of getting third party apps onto the Apple Watch.

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Big names like Twitter and Facebook, as well as developers looking to make their fortune with a new wearable app are poised to create a new generation of cutting edge wrist mounted software. It’s exciting, almost like some discovering a deserted island fileld with treasure and adventures.

WatchKit is offering more than standard app fare too, which is why it’s a new frontier for developers to explore. The developer kit includes compatibility with the Apple Watch on a very intimate level – apps are able to access a new wrist notification system, which can control all sorts of gadgets by using the watch as a physical indicator of the users presence.

A plethora of accessories and models allow the Apple Watch to resemble almost any other type of normal watch.

Lights will turn on, sensors will be interfaced with and most importantly, all the things you need to know, as soon as possible, will flash up on the Apple Watch’s display, all thanks to WatchKit. A system called Glances can also be interfaced with that provides – at a glance – stats, info and important business, such as flight details or maps.

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The release of WatchKit has shown that the upcoming Apple Watch will have multiple screen resolutions because of the two smaller and larger versions, 272×340 and 312×390 pixels respectively. Not so big, but not altogether unreadable – the watch is also quite slim for its complexity.

“Apple Watch is our most personal device ever, and WatchKit provides the incredible iOS developer community with the tools they need to create exciting new experiences right on your wrist,” – Philip Schiller, Apple Senior Worldwide Marketing VP

WatchKit can be accessed through Apple’s website, and is now available for download at the link below. App developers, get ready to dive into WatchKit.

Source: Apple 

Via: TechSpot