Apple’s Airplay Mirroring Trumps Nintendo’s WiiU

We’re still digesting the news from WWDC and one of the new announcements from Steve Jobs and Apple was Airplay mirroring using Apple TV and your iPad.

Now on the face of it this new feature is all good and well, but the implications didn’t quite come into focus until everyone was amazed by Nintendo’s dual-screen gaming on the newly announced Wii successor WiiU.

Well, the creator of the ever-impressive Real Racing HD, Fire Mint, were ready to spoil Ninty’s parade and showed off their own version of new dual-screen play which Nintendo is pinning is future on which will be the first game to support the new feature.

Firemints’s Real Racing HD 2 has been propelled itself into iOS hall of fame over the last 6 months – it gained notoriety after being the first iPad 2 game that could be played on a HDTV in 1080p using the new iPad 2 HDMI video cable.

Well now this process can be done wirelessly using the new iOS 5 feature, which will go live in the autumn. when the OS finally drops. But according to our spies if you’re a dev you can have access to this feature now.

User’s who are using the feature already say that the graphics do drop down to 720p – but this could change nearer the actual release.

According to Firemint, the game wont just bee mirrored, but you will see the game on your HDTV and you will see racing telemetry on your iPad 2′s display, have a look at the photo above.

According to FireMint, Apple’s evolving AirPlay protocol should be perceived as nothing less than a genuine “game-changer.”

“It allows us to bring a never-before-seen level of freedom to Real Racing 2 HD. Combined with the precision steering and brilliant 3D visuals made possible by iPad 2′s phenomenal hardware, Real Racing 2 HD over AirPlay promises an experience you’ll have to play to believe.”

Alongside full AirPlay mirroring, iOS 5 will usher in much-needed enhancements to Game Center and a Notification Center that should reduce unwelcome interruptions mid-session.