Apple’s super-slim new iMacs may be delayed until 2013

If you were hoping to get your hands on one of Apple’s new svelte all-in-one iMacs in time for Christmas, then there may be some bad news afoot.

Both Apple Insider and MacBidouille report that the Cupertino company is currently struggling with issues in its supply chain that may push back the launch of both models as far as until early next year.

When Apple launched the new iMac for 2012 back in October, VP of Marketing Phil Schiller waxed lyrical on a range of unique and new manufacturing processes that the company was employing to get their new models super slim and sleek. However, reports suggest that the company’s suppliers are having trouble with a “advanced welding process” that could cause substantial delays, resulting in the new models missing the Christmas slot.

Two new models are due: a 21.5-inch and a 27-inch, both with two different configurations. At present the Apple store expects the smaller model to launch in November and the larger in December.

Apple’s new iMacs are extremely impressive, with edges that measure just 5mm at the thinnest point. Various new manufacturing methods have allowed Apple to create a screen that looks visually stunning, with text and icons appearing to be right on the very top of the glass covering the display.

Were you hoping to get a new iMac in time for Christmas, or does the lack of CD Drive and price put you off?

Let us know your thoughts on our comments below or via our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter page or Official Facebook group.

Via: Apple Insider, MacBidouille