The Queen adds Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 ‘Time Capsule’ to Royal Collection

Modern age monarch and tech fan Her Majesty the Queen has just been given a tablet computer loaded with hundreds of memories from her sixty year stint on the throne. Elizabeth II and her loyal subjects all across Britain celebrated her Diamond Jubilee this summer and the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 will now be added to the Queen’s Royal Collection, which includes vintage fine artwork and jewels from across the globe and the gadget will act as a ‘digital time capsule’ which will last throughout the ages alongside these lavish keepsakes.

An astonishing 150 gigabytes of data was collected, including photos from the Royal Photographic Society and text documents from the Royal Librarian with a total of 60 articles of a total 80,000 which were collected from 37,000 contributors in over sixty countries. The Galaxy Note 10.1 obviously can’t hold this much data, so 60 entries were chosen to be loaded on the tablet.

Recent moments in the Queen’s reign include details of the London riots, and on a happier note the nuptials of her grandson Will and his bride Kate Middleton in 2011 – this in fact the most popular article recorded in the time capsule, which will be housed at the Windsor Castle.

For those wondering, it was the group who organised this most contemporary of collection pieces that chose the Android-based Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 on the Royal’s behalf over the latest Apple iPad – but both tech companies were in discussion to host the project.

Her Majesty’s fascination with gadgetry can be traced back to a few years ago when in 2009 she received her first iPod from the current and reigning President of the United States Barack Obama, which included photos and video footage from her previous visit to the country. On another occasion The Queen was noted to be coveting the Apple iPad that her grandson’s William and Harry were showing off to their nan one time, and let’s not forget that the Queen’s Christmas speech last year was available for the first time on Kindle last year as well as her very own YouTube channel!

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