BBM or BlackBerry Messenger has been available on Android and iOS for a while now, but only recently has it become available on Windows phone.

The introduction of BBM to Windows started out only being available by invite only for their beta version of the app. Now, two days after launching the invite–only version, BlackBerry has revealed it will make the beta app available to approved applicants.

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For those not familiar with BBM, it is a messaging service that came included on all BlackBerry devices. It doesn’t limit you to just messages by text though; you can also place video calls and send and receive pictures among other various features – all for free! (*obviously not including any potential mobile data charges.)

In a blog post BlackBerry spoke about the development saying: “We’ve gotten an incredible number of requests for BBM to come to Windows Phone. In the coming weeks we’ll be ready to welcome millions of Windows Phone users to the growing BBM community. If you’re not ready to report bugs, respond to surveys and provide feedback – better to wait just a bit longer for the full release.”

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To become one of these “approved applicants” and start using BBM on your Windows phone, all you’d have to do is apply at BlackBerry Beta Zone. The app will function near enough exactly the same as on the other platforms but have that Windows Phone style look and feel. There are a few features that aren’t currently available such as BBM Voice, Channels, and Glympse, but they’re working on it so don’t fret! BBM is said to become available to everyone within the next few weeks.