Beats Store to open as London high street outlet for Dr. Dre ear gear

The Beats range of headphones and ear gear could be coming to a high street near you following reports that the audio tech company backed by Dr. Dre may be getting its own dedicated store following an opening of a first store in New York and in the footsteps of industry giants such as Apple.

Head of Marketing for Beats told a fellow gadget site that the company is currently seeking a UK location to set up shop to sell its selection of popular street-smart headphones and listening devices which have some superstar support, featuring names and endorsements by Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber and Sean ‘Diddy’ Coombs. Omar Johnson of Beats says the company has been looking at the Shoreditch area of London – an area of popular retail, night life and music scene.

We should also expect the store to be stocking the new range of mobile smartphones released in partnership with HTC, including musically dedicated Sensation XE and Bass handsets which come with the specially tailored audio software and those Beats By Dre ear phones.

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