Blackberry BBX operating system officially unveiled

After a pretty tremulous week following several days of global service outages, RIM has looked to bounce back in a big way by announcing its next BlackBerry operating system – BBX – at its DevCon keynote speech in the US.

As the name may hint at, BBX is a mash-up of the current BlackBerry OS 7, and the slick QNX operating system found on the BlackBerry Playbook. The idea in taking the best bits from both is for RIM to be able to have one universal OS that it can push out to both smartphones and tablets.

This way of doing things is obviously nothing new. Apple has been employing the universal OS tactic for its iPhones and iPads since day one, but RIM’s hoping that BlackBerry devices will win out as the same BBX apps should be able to work flawlessly on any device. With this ethos, along with a heavy investment in HTML 5, RIM’s aiming to entice enough developers to make the platform an app success. Let us know your thoughts on our comments below or via our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter page or Official Facebook group.