BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 now set to launch in February

The BlackBerry PlayBook has lead a strange little life thus far. It launched with some marketing glitz, but with a price too high to be competitive and, curiously, without even its own email app. Now makers RIM have revealed that the update set to take its QNX operating system to the next level will not be out until February.

The update, which will take the playbook OS to its 2.0 incarnation, was supposed to land this month, so the news of yet more delays won’t please any PlayBook owners. It’s set to bring a raft of upgrades and changes to the tablet, most notably the native email client so missing from a device baring the BlackBerry name.

If you can’t wait until February, RIM is offering the SDK for the software to developers now, so that they can get cracking on new apps. Gold enterprise users are also being hand-picked to trial the software. Will it change the fortunes of the badly selling PlayBook? Let us know your thoughts on our comments below or via our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter page or Official Facebook group.