Boxee Spotify App Updated With Search, Revamped Inbox and Shuffle Features

Boxee has today rolled out a new update for their Spotify app on the Boxee Box.

The new update brings a selection of new features, the mains ones being the ability for users to directly search Spotify’s entire library of music within the app. Previously (as you may be aware) you could only play tracks from playlists you have created using your Spotify account.

Other new features of the update include a re-designed inbox which will now notify you instantly should any of your friends share a song, album or playlist with you. There is also a new shuffle feature that will allow you to simply sit back and allow Spotify to be the DJ and select your favourite tracks.

So, if you have yourself a Boxee Box along with a Spotify Premium subscription, make sure you check out the latest update and let us know your thoughts by leaving us a comment below. Alternatively, you can send us a message via our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter page or Official Facebook group.