Category: AI

  • Google Lens – How To Use?

    Google Lens – How To Use?

    Android users rejoice, Google has developed a nice little upgrade for your camera; Google Lens –  a media assistant powered by image recognition. Following on from a previous post regarding AI. This app adds AI (image recognition algorithms, not truly AI) to your mobile digital armament. With it installed, the app is just patiently waiting…

  • AI Today

    AI Today

    AI today. What is the current state of our artificial overlords? What are they doing to benefit us currently? Well, Alexa has opened its platform to other parties in order for them to create skills for Alexa to learn. Google meanwhile has been hiring comedians to hopefully improve the way the assistant interacts with humans.…

  • Google Home Adds Bluetooth Support

    Google Home Adds Bluetooth Support

    Google Home has been having a few niggles of late, our one here has anyway. Until recently the only way you could share music was through casting. This was great, but not when it would randomly stop while playing then refuse to be seen by anything on the network thus prompting a reboot.  The team…

  • AI Art Assistance

    AI Art Assistance

    After writing about Pix2Pix we though it would be useful to find a few apps that offer art assistance using AI. Manipulation of images is a lot of fun. With the added benefit of AI working in the background, our imaginations are the only limit. So, apps that are fun and offer art assistance… Obviously, we…

  • Pix2Pix AI Transforms Your Sketches

    Pix2Pix AI Transforms Your Sketches

    Pix2Pix AI wants to transform your doodles and sketches into something remotely resembling a photo of what you were drawing. Sounds confusing but it really isn’t… Doodling is something most people can do. The Doodler does not have to be a budding Picasso and there are no set requirements for how good a doodle should be.  We…