New Copyright Policy Bans Google Glass From Cinemas in the U.S

Just picked up a sweet set of Google Glass and think you can wear them anywhere you like? Well think again, as cinemas and theatres in the U.S are banning them as part of a change to copyright policy.

To most it’s common sense not to whip out a device with recording function while out at the pictures with consequences resulting in fines and other undesirable penalties. Up until now smartphones were the biggest tool of online piracy and could be used discretely to capture the latest top film for uploading and downloading on the net, complete with rattling popcorn containers and audience heads in front for that authentic cinema-going feel.

With the mainstream introduction of wearable tech the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) along with the National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO – no, not that one) have reviewed and rewritten their copyright policies to ensure that punters will not only have to turn off but also put away all mobile devices and wearables including Google Glass which became publicly available to buy in September.

Also See: Google Glass Goes Public

Many people the world over have already begun to capture all aspects of life through the lens of Google Glass but this of course has thrown up plenty of privacy, data and IP protection concerns. Google Glass has already been barred from being out at UK cinemas and some public performances over here, but this came at a time before the device was on sale and widely known of outside of tech circles.

Google Glass is pretty much the only consumer ready face wearable out there at the moment that the MPAA and NATO can be concerned with but now that the way has been paved and a market spot has opened we can expect more to follow including Sony’s offering – the Smart EyeGlass which was recently unveiled at the IFA consumer electronics show in Berlin.

Also See: Sony Smart EyeGlass @ IFA Berlin