DoubleTwist for Android now supports streaming to your Apple TV

Now I’m sure that a lot of you gadget lovers will of no doubt heard of DoubleTwist, and most probably even use it as well. If not, DoubleTwist has always been a popular alternative to iTunes, allowing you to sync your music, video and pictures to pretty much any MP3 player available.

The popular iTunes alternative has had its own Android app for a while now, which included some neat features such as wireless sync and having a pretty attractive UI as well.

The DoubleTwist Android app has proven to be a popular choice for a lot of users, and no doubt will prove to even more popular thanks to the latest update which now includes the ability to stream to Apple TV.

The app itself is a free download available from the Android Market, although users who would like to take advantage of the new feature will require an add-on called ‘AirSync’ which can be purchased for $5. Once you have the AirSync add-on you will be able to stream via Wi-Fi to uPnP devices such as the XBOX 360, Apple TV, PlayStation 3 and also Google TV.

Are you a fan of DoubleTwist? Or perhaps you prefer a different media player? Let us know your preferences by sending us your comments below or tweet us @Gadget_Helpline