Download Festival & Vodafone launch weekend planner app for Android & iPhone

Download Music Festival 2011 has teamed up with Vodafone to launch a new app for Android and iOS for iPhone – which allows us metalheads to stay in tune with the happenings at this year’s 3-day rock music event from Donington Park, England.

The weekend-long annual festival will run from Friday 10th – Sunday 13th June and from to get-go the Download app helps you plan your journey providing directions and access points to the famous rock venue and the chance to post on the official forums and arrange meet-ups with pals and chat about the upcoming weekender. View the day-to-day line-ups and plan your own schedule with the useful reminders feature.

Once on site,  your Download Festival app also provides a map with all the stages, camping, showers and the all-important beer tents clearly marked and easy to locate.

You can also take the app social and find out where the party is at by visiting the official Download Festival Facebook page and Twitter – also uploading your mobile snaps to the Download website.     

The app is available free-of-charge through the Android Market and Apple App Store today and despite being powdered by Vodafone it’s available on all UK networks. However if you are a Vodafone customer you will gain the benefits of a “VIP Section”.

It did take us a bit of time to download the Download Festival app and install it (via HTC Wildfire with Android on O2 network – perhaps faster on its native Vodafone carrier?) but it’s worth grabbing if you want to plan your days, free of any band clashes and the make use of the handy full-site map which will help you find your tent after a heavy night in the mosh pits!

Grab that app from the Android Market or Apple App Store by searching “Download Music Festival 2011” – then come find me up front for the Alice Cooper / Twisted Sister double on the second stage on Saturday night!!

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