EA Games Origin streaming service and social net goes mobile

Electronic Arts recently repackaged its online games store now calling itself “Origin” – it’s setting up a rival to Steam and shaping up to dominate more than just your streaming desktop gaming because today it’s been announced that the service will as promised be dropping on smartphones.

“Origin lives where you live” states the new-look website. Adding “On your mobile phone, on your desktop and on the web, Origin is always there”.

Bringing in a new social element which can import friends from Facebook and Twitter, Origin is dedicating a lot of its platform to mobiles and mates. EA VP Chip Lange says “Now we are adding a full layer of mobile to Origin. It lets you find out what your friends are doing”.

This is added to multi-playing on games such as FIFA, comparing scores on titles like Need for Speed: Shift 2 and the addition of “in-game overlay” you can interact with pals whilst playing your fave games and enjoy a social network experience including profiles, chat and game sharing alongside other members of the Origin community.

More good news is that the Origin gaming service will be cross-platform – play your games on all connected gadgets from PC to smartphone to PC.

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