Epic Games gearing up for more Gears of War on Xbox 720?

The dust is just starting to settle in wake of the final game in the Gears of War trilogy being released on September 20th. And it seems as previously claimed by developer Epic Games there will indeed be no future sequels for the third-person-shooter adventures of Marcus Fenix and his fellow Delta Squad members against the invasive Locust forces. The ambiguity of those words leads to the exciting news today that Gears of War will (as in possibly) return – as a prequel trilogy on Xbox 720!

Suggestion today seems to indicate that Epic Games underling division People Can Fly will be working on three new “old” games which will set the story for the original popular trilogy – the recent concluding part Gears of War 3 reaching over one-million pre-orders leading up to the Xbox exclusive’s highly-anticipated release.

It was previously reported that a novelist from the Gadget Helpline’s bordering Wiltshire, England would script a new game in the new year. Writer Karen Traviss (yes, a girl) has previously written spin-off novels for the Star Wars franchise – Respect.

As for the host console for the next Gears venture – Microsoft has been dropping some subtle hints that an Xbox 360 successor is soon to be / if not already in the works and the gaming community is abuzz for a first public outing for the “Xbox 720” at next year’s E3 conference in June/July. So we’ll have fingers tightly crossed for more Gears of War towards early 2013.


A Gears of War 3 is updates galore coming in the next few weeks. The ‘Versus’ Booster Pack is now available through Xbox LIVE – delivering five new maps including unseen levels such as Bullet Marsh and Clocktower. There’s also been much talk about an upcoming ‘Impossible Mission’ pack coming soon and tying into the new Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol movie. Adopters of this package will be eligible to rewards such as Ghost Protocol weapon skins and contests relating to the upcoming Tom Cruise film – Mark that one as rumour.

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