Gadget HELP! – Apple iPhone 4 and how to set up and use application folders

We at The Gadget Helpline get hundreds of calls a week from frustrated customers looking for support and help with their Gadgets and electronic goods, so we thought we would share some of our help to the world.

Apple iPhone 4

Today we have received a call where one of our dedicated agents provided support on an Apple iPhone 4 and how to set up and use application folders. For this our agent used:

Query: Customer wants to know how to setup and use application Folders.

Device: Apple iPhone 4

Article Category: Applications

Guide: Folder Management

Folders are a new addition to the iPhones iOS 4.2 and 4.3 operating system and allow users to group similar or their own selection of apps into a homescreen folder.

Setup a Folder

  1. Press and hold the desired App to enable editing mode (icons will be shaking).
  2. Drag an App onto another App to create a folder.

Note:  Dragging onto a Similar App will auto create a folder name e.g. Games

  1. Tap the folder name box and enter a desired name.
  2. Repeat process until all desired apps are in the folder.
  3. Press the Home Key.

Closing a folder

  1. Tap the desired Folder (e.g. Games)
  2. Press and hold the App folder to enable editing mode (icons will be shaking).
  3. Drag the App onto the homes screen outside the folder.
  4. Repeat process until all desired apps are out of the folder.
  5. Press the Home Key.

This guide can also be used on all other iOS 4+ running devices including the iPhone 3G, iPad and iPod Touch.

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