Google Earth offers London tour of Royal Wedding hot spots.

Planning a trip to our capital this Friday for the Royal Wedding? For those of you wanting to pick a perfect position to catch a glimpse of the happy couple, Google are kindly offering a 3D virtual tour of the hot spots along the London procession route for the big day – which is now available through Google Earth.

Following from recent tours of Rome’s Coloseum and a number of other popular European landmarks, the Royal Wedding route tour via Google Earth features key places of interest to be travelled by the coach carrying newlyweds William and Kate when it makes its way through the city to be celebrated by the thousands of revelers.

Beginning at Westminster Abbey where the wedding will take place, the Google Earth tour goes on to highlight Parliament Square and Big Ben, Whitehall, the Cenataph and Downing Street and the final stretch from Horse Guards Parade through St James Park to Buckingham Palace.

The detailed 3D photographic scenes of the Royal Wedding procession route can be rotated, zoomed in and out of with birds-eye views or “walk around” street views available at the click of a mouse.

Even if you aren’t planning on joining the celebrations in person or have no interest in the Royal Wedding itself, this is still a really enjoyable virtual tour that can be experienced anytime through the Google Earth add-on – which you can download yourself via the website HERE.

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