The current edition of Google Glass isn’t that great to look at, considering how it blights the face of this perfectly normal looking man below… although with all that junk on those glasses it’s hard to see if he even looks normal or not.

Who IS he?

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A survey has shown that the device is disliked for its appearance by 10% of those who know what it is, according to the Google Glass Almanac. The Almanac shows a new patent has been filed by Google for a much more flashy version of the glasses, which include more subtle incorporation of the hardware used by the glasses.

The first thing the new patent does away with is the super obvious projector usually found on previous models, which basically says ‘look at me, I’m an early adopter’ as soon as you enter any room, anywhere outside a tech conference. The new glasses are harder to distinguish from normal glasses, being very similar but a bit thicker than regular glasses.

Apparently the new iteration of the device changes some of the parameters of the Google Glass concept. Instead of projecting an image on a separate projector, the new concept places the relevant information onto the lenses of these new glasses, meaning for higher quality generated screen items.

Newer, sleeker, less obvious.

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The patent, numbered D710,928S (go find it) was granted to Google design and prototyping engineer Mitchell Heinrich, who has already worked on previous models of the glasses, and holds patents on other aspects of the device, which is shaping up to be one of the most advanced entries into the new and exciting world of wearable tech.

Google Glass 2 is already in the works, with confirmation coming as a tech firm sent out orders of a limited amount of special coatings for lenses. Google Glass was opened up for general sale in May, at the very high price of around 1000 dollars the last time we heard. Hopefully Google Glass 2 might be cheaper. Emphasis on the might.

Source: Google Glass Almanac

Via: Techradar