Is Google Going To Launch A 7-inch Tablet In July?

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For those that like to keep an eye on Google activities, you may remember hearing about a rumour back in March this year which suggested that the search giant will be launching a 7-inch Android based tablet device. Also, if you cast your mind back to December last year, Google chairman Eric Schmidt also hinted that the company had plans to hopefully release a tablet within a six-month window, we told an Italian newspaper that Google aims to “market a tablet of the highest quality”.

Since then though, we haven’t really heard anything, however another rumour has surfaced suggesting that we could indeed see a new Google branded tablet device enter the market.

Tech site DigiTimes are reporting that they have obtained information which suggests that Google are almost ready to launch the tablet device, which has been co-developed by Asustek computers. Apparently, Google were originally hoping to launch the device this month, however due to some design technicalities and costs, the actual release for the Android tablet will be July, with the first shipment of around 600,000 units being delivered next month.

Apple’s iPad is still the dominant player in this market, and although there have been Android tablets on offer before, they’ve not really been able to  topple the iPad from the top spot. But with rumours suggesting that the tablet device will be below the $200 mark and have comparable features to that of the iPad 2, it may be exactly what the market needs to go head-to-head with Apple’s iPad.

Hopefully we might get some further info about the Google tablet soon, and as soon as we do you can be assured we’ll let you know. Watch this space…

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