Google Nexus 7 Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Manual Now Available

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At last week’s Google I/O event in San Francisco California Google finally unveiled its brand new tablet offering, the new Nexus 7 tablet for all to see.

Well for fans of the device Google has gone and launched the full user manual for the forthcoming tablet on its Play Store, free of charge to be downloaded.

Keen users can get to grips with the tablet device or just have a sneak peak at how some of the features are supposed to be used in the official Google manual.

This is also the first look many users can get of the Jelly Bean interface and how Google expects you to use the software on the tablet device, including how to optimise battery life on the tablet, how to setup accounts such as Google and Facebook and even how to Beam screen content using NFC.

Immediately tech lovers interest has been piqued, as Google first own-brand tablet is looking set to be a big deal for geeks across the planet, with the 7-inch 1280 x 800 resolution screen, and Nvidia’s Tegra 3 quad-core processor which uses Nvidia’s clever core switching software, and then uses the fifth “companion core” for less processor intensive tasks.

But the real selling point for Google’s Nexus 7 Tablet is the price, as Google and Asus (who created the tablet) have priced the Nexus 7 at just £159 for the base modelm which is £240 cheaper than the most basic Apple iPad 3.

Google’s Nexus 7 tablet will also be running Google’s latest operating system Android 4.1, aka Jelly Bean. Additionally the tablet will have the “Project Butter” user interface technology installed too which will offer a smoother and more fluid interface than some of the other tablet devices.

You can access the manual now by clicking here but be warned; not all areas are complete so you may need to download again when the tablet is due for release.

Check out our full breakdown of what the Google Nexus 7 has to offer here and if you want to get your hands on the tablet, Google is already taking orders on the Google Play Store.

The Nexus 7 will begin shipping to the US, UK, Canada and Australia in July, priced £159 for the 8GB and £199 for the 16GB version.

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