Google Nexus 7 Tablet Teething Troubles Surface – Overheating & Dead Pixels Reported

The ASUS-made Google Nexus 7 tablet went on pre-order hours after it was announced at the annual Google I/O Conference on July 27th alongside the newest Android update 4.1 Jelly Bean.

The tablet is just few weeks out of the box, and now that early owners have had a good chance to get to grips with their new gadget a few potential problems have unfortunately been noted.

One of the common complaints seems to be dead pixels appearing within the Nexus 7 tablet’s 7-inch LCD display. These pixels appear in no fixed position, vary per unit, and can’t be remedied with the usual system restore or hardware reset. This one has been reported a number of times both to the Gadget Helpline and the Android forums online and has been often accompanied by claims of ‘dirt’ marks under the device’s screen.

The latter part of that claim may be related to another fault being discussed online regarding overheating of the tablet’s 4,325 mAh Li-ion battery, resulting in warping of the screen. In some cases the screen is said to have completely come away from the casing because of the misshaping.

We’re impressed by the Nexus 7 tablet and have not experienced any problems with our own model but if our readers have encountered any of these troubles we’d like to hear from you in our comments below or via our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter page or Official Facebook Page.

If you’re currently enjoying your new Nexus 7 tablet without fault the Gadget Helpline can recommend a number of top apps and accessories. If you’re yet to buy the latest Google gadget (and aren’t put off by these reports!) our articles on our first time unboxing and favourite features might be handy!