Google releases Galaxy Nexus stock ROM image for easy re-install

Modding your Android smartphone has become a bit of a craze, everyone likes to add their own touch and customise their device to their own requirements – however, sometimes it doesn’t always go to plan, and then you’re stuck.

Well, that may now be a thing of the past (well if you have the new Galaxy Nexus that is), as Google have decided to support the modding community and released the factory stock boot image for the Galaxy Nexus, along with instructions on how to re-install the image should anything go wrong when fulfilling your modification needs.

So, you’ll know be able to hack, tweak, flash all kinds of different ROM files onto your Galaxy Nexus, knowing you’ll easily be able to revert back to the original without the need to panic should anything go wrong – or perhaps when you’re just bored of the custom ROM you were using.

The original Ice Cream Sandwich ROM image for the Galaxy Nexus has been provided along with an all-in-one flash utility, meaning that even for the novice modder, it shouldn’t be too much of a laborious task reverting your Galaxy Nexus back to the original version.

If you fancy downloading the factory ROM for your Galaxy Nexus, you can head on over to the Google Groups forum where you’ll be able to get a description along with the download link.

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