Instagram Tops Charts – Photo App Brought into Focus by Android Launch & Facebook Buyout

If you’re a social mobile user you’re probably familiar with Instagram – particularly in the past couple of weeks. First of all, the popular photo editing app touched down on Android gadgets. Then just two days ago, Facebook confirmed its intention to acquire the Instagram software and its brand. Since then downloads of the mobile and tablet software have sky rocketed and the free app now tops both the Apple App Store and Google Play charts.

Before hitting the former Android Market last week, Instagram had been installed on Apple iPhone and iPad more than 30-million times, with over 150-million photos uploaded by April 2012. The app reached one-million downloads in its first 24-hours after it launched on April 3rd for Google’s platform, Android, which is reported to now be running in its various incarnations on over 300-million devices worldwide.

The announcement of a buyout by Facebook has helped bring the Instagram app into focus, which itself is highly sociable and offers quick sharing of edited photos utilising some very cool and artistic filters to all the friendly networks and spans to Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr and beyond. With the world’s favourite social network expressing interest in the world’s favourite photo app there’s no question the masses would snap this one up!

If you want to try Instagram for yourself you can grab the app from the respective outlets below.

Instagram for Apple iOS.
Instagram for Android.

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