New iPhone 5 to Feature Steve Jobs’s Design?

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New reports from Bloomberg today suggest that Apple is finally ready to overhaul the look of its iPhone with all-new design created by the late Steve Jobs.

The iPhone rumour mill has been going into overdrive this week and the latest reports suggest that Apple has already ordered new screens that are bigger than the current 3.5-inch iPhone 4S screen.

It’s thought the last project Steve Jobs worked on personally before his death was the iPhone 5, which he had completely re-designed for the first time since the iPhone 4 in 2010.

The need to overhaul the iPhone comes from the perceived threat from Samsung and their soon-to-be-launched Samsung S3 – which has accumulated pre-orders of 9 miillion to date.

Apple is expected to launch a new iPhone in October, analysts have recently predicted. Apple is thought to have been working on the new handset since before the current iPhone 4S model was released.

The iPhone was introduced in 2007 and has been one of Apple’s biggest success stories and, alongside the iPad, has seen Apple become the world’s most valuable company, with its stock rising more than fivefold since Jobs first unveiled the original iPhone.

The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this week that Apple would be upping the screen to a 4-inch screen. It was also muted that Apple had been working with several screen makers including LG, Sharp and Japan Display, with production expected to begin next month.

It had been thought that Apple would wait a bit longer before introducing the 5th generation iPhone after the incredible sales figures for the iPhone 4S, but with Samsung looking to steal a march on them with the more powerful, bigger S3, the Cupertino Company might not have a choice but to release the new handset only 12 months after the last one.

Apple’s rivals have been releasing new smartphones with bigger screens throughout 2012 including HTC’s 4.7-inch One X. Samsung has also enjoyed some success with even bigger screens when they released their hybrid tablet/phone the Galaxy Note.

Speculation that Apple is planning a new iPhone can lead to a drop in sales of current models. In the company’s fourth quarter, Apple reported sales and profit that missed analysts’ estimates as customers waited for the iPhone 4S to be introduced. In April, Apple predicted sales and profit in the current quarter would decline compared to last quarter

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Via: Bloomberg