iPhone 5 May Come with a Thin Bezel: iPhone 5 Rumour Round up

With the iPad 2 out of our way, we can now give our undivided attention to getting scoops on the forthcoming iPhone 5. Just a few days back, there

were claims that the next iPhone will come equipped with a faster Dual-Core A5 chip, however, the latest rumors have got more to do  with the aesthetics of the handset.

Chinese website Idealschina has claimed that the new phone will come with a much thinner bezel and therefore have a bigger screen. The dimensions of the phone, however, will remain same. The site claims to have got hold of mold engineering drawings for the iPhone 5 as well, and has also debunked the rumuors that the phone may have a curved back like the Samsung Nexus S. The moldings look exactly the same as iPhone 4 but with a thinner bezel down the sides of the screen.

As for the recap of recent rumuors about the iPhone 5, the most plausible one seems to be about the inclusion of the new A5 chip. The recently released iPad is fitted with the A5 chip already and we don’t see any reason why Apple would want to keep the chip away from its blockbuster phone.

Apple is also rumored to be working on developing a NFC-esque feature for the next iPhone. However, we are not too sure whether the technology will be fully polished in time for Apple’s usual June launch. With a Dual-Core processor and a bigger screen, I think I’m already sold on the iPhone 5, are you?