‘iWatch’ Rumour Mill Keeps On Turning

The rumours and speculation on an alleged ‘wearable computer’ from Apple, aka the ‘iWatch’ (May not be actual product name) are running rife throughout the internet and of course amongst hushed groups of tech devotees as they gather around wi-fi hotspots across the globe.

The ‘iWatch’ is purported to be a hybrid watch/computer worn on the wrist, with the obvious primary function being able to tell the time using the device when it is left idle, simply by taking a look… much like a regular watch, but you get my point. However, the design is purported to also include well-known Apple functions which we all know and love.

One of the many iWatch artist impressions.

A tech analyst has revealed a ‘leak’ of sorts just today, apparently detailing some more specifications of the device. We put ‘leak’ like this as it has been the case before that high profile leaks have worked in Apple’s favour, so this one may very well be more than meets the eye.

According to the leak, the iWatch will be round, just like a device which allegedly inspired its production, the Motorola Moto 360, although the analyst, Brian Blair of Rosenblatt Securities, has insisted that his Taiwanese sources are genuine, and on top of that the device will prove to be much thinner than the Moto 360.

He also claims that the device will begin production this July or August and the device is ‘unlikely’ to be release simultaneously with the iPhone 6. Although these specifics remain dubious as no sources are credited. In this author’s opinion simultaneous releases for Apple products don’t make sense, as the company likes to make a big song and dance of any and all new products when they arrive.

The leak also promises variant models of the device, for men and women, or maybe young adults and children, again unconfirmed information there. As has been said here and everywhere else, these speculations are just that. It seems in this business you can’t believe it all until the truth is out.

We will continue to watch the iWatch and keep you posted on developments.