ONLY IN JAPAN! Awesome Alien USB Toy Invades as Prometheus Prepares to Launch!

Gadget Helpline loves the Alien films and it’s safe to say we’re pretty excited for Prometheus – the potential prequel to the first movie, which has thus far managed to maintain its mystique as to whether or not the iconic sci-fi creatures will surface to scare once again. So imagine our joy, during these last few weeks before the must-see movie’s launch, to make this awesome discovery. Our tech-loving friends in the Far East have made an ultra-cool miniature Alien that sits on a desktop and will randomly pop one of its most lethal weapons – the retractable jawed tongue!

Landing on a number of U.S based web stores by way of Cube Works in Japan, the Alien toy stands at around 5-inches tall and plugs into a standard USB 2.0 port (via 1 metre long cable) and features realistically fearsome detailing down to every divot of the beast’s HR Giger inspired body, including armoured body, deadly tail and elongated head with outer domed exoskeleton and inner skull on show beneath. Within the mouth is housed that smaller jaw which powered by a Windows laptop or desk computer will thrust out and illuminate red – unexpectedly and viciously as it has infamously been witnessed with every appearance of the Alien in its 33 year legacy as one of the most feared villains in movie history!

In the West the price of the Alien USB toy is almost as frightening as the beast itself costing a pant-wetting $75 from online retailers. We’re yet to find them for sale in the U.K but as Ridley Scott’s Prometheus preps to launch here early on June the 1st (and after a tip of the hat by the influential Gadget Helpline) we think we might just see them shipping in soon enough.

USB toys are all the rage in Japan and this is by far the coolest we have seen so far (even putting the exercising Rocky and Apollo Creed into retirement!). Unfortunately these toys generally offer no memory storage function and the Alien is much the same acting only as a maximum boost to geek cred!

If like the Gadget Helpline you want more Prometheus related news and features, check out our recent REEL TO REAL article which tells how the artificial humans as seen in the movie are walking off the screen and into our day-to-day real life!

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