Japanese tech site predicts September 7th iPhone 5 launch

It’s nothing new to get an Apple iPhone 5 rumoured release date pop up – like, every single day. But we’d be hard-pressed to ignore one from this source.


Japanese site Kodawarisan speculates a September 7th launch for Apple’s much-anticipated smartphone, and possible even a first appearance of the iPad 3. Kodawarisan are particularly noteworthy for its on-the-mark past guesses of gadget launches – including the Mac Mini in 2009.

This guess-timation would place Apple’s gadget announcements at the Berlin IFA – the world’s largest trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances – and a site usually reserved for Apple’s iPod relaunches in previous years, in the very month of September.

The IFA, however, has not exclusively been a platform to launch iPod – it’s also seen the debut of Apple TV, iTunes 10 and iOS 4.2 in years gone by.

With all this in mind we’d probably put money on the Japanese tech sites prediction. What do our readers think? Send us your thoughts via tweet to the Official Gadget Helpline Twitter or drop us a comment on our Official Facebook page!