Jolla Tablet campaign easily crosses funding goal

As I’m sure a lot of you will be aware, Jolla the company behind the Jolla Phone have intentions on producing their own tablet device. While the concept of design and features are there, the product itself is not yet ready and the company was hoping that it can rely on the “power of people” to reach an initial funding goal of $380,000 via IndieGoGo.

The campaign initially launched on the 19th and within the first day managed to achieve around 68% of what seemed a relatively low goal. Well now, just a few days later the Jolla Tablet has managed to smash its funding target and is currently sitting on $1,174,561 – quite impressive I’m sure you’ll agree.

The tablet device shares a lot of features with the recently announced Nokia N1 device, it has a 7.85” display (2048×1536) and is powered by a quad-core Intel processor (albeit at a lower frequency). It will run the company’s new open-source operating system, Jolla OS 2.0 which has the ability to support Android app. It also has a Micro SD slot (something not featured on the Nokia N1), although does have a smaller battery and is a tad heavier too.

The Jolla Tablet has an expected retail price of $250, however during the funding stage; those who contribute early are able to get the device at a discount. The first 1000 units sold for $190, with the next batch selling for $209. The price will keep rising until eventually reaching its estimated retail price.

The reaction to the Jolla Tablet is quite surprising, considering the company itself is still fairly unknown to a lot of people, and to be honest had mixed feedback with the companies Jolla Phone (I personally didn’t like it that much – not very intuitive at all). However, to celebrate the fact that Jolla have managed to easily achieve and exceed their funding goal, the company are now offering their Jolla Phone with a 100 Euro discount; therefore you can get now get one for €249 instead of the usual €349.

Let us know your thoughts on the Jolla Tablet, is it something you’d want? Or perhaps you’re happy to stick with your Android/iOS device.