Microsoft IE9 launches – 2.35 million download in first 24hours

Microsoft appears to be finally on form with its web browser, Internet Explorer!

So over with web-heads is the latest version IE9, released yesterday, that it’s been downloaded a whopping 2.35 million times in just 24-hours.

That works out at reportedly over 27 surfers worldwide downloading the new browser every second, or 240 every nine seconds!

This is fantastic news to Microsoft and a step towards rebuilding a somewhat tattered reputation for Internet Explorer, after a series of not-so-impressive upgrades in recent years going back to around the sixth incarnation.

We don’t know however if these downloads are from users updating from beta versions of IE9 or new users entirely, or those who have jumped ship from rivals software such as Google Chrome or Firefox (welcome back!). Still, great numbers regardless and undeniable proof that something’s actually been done right this time.

It’s taken Microsoft around ten years, but they might be there. Count this IE loyalist amongst the millions!

Will you be trying out Microsoft’s latest browser or have you given up on Internet Explorer now? Let us know on our official The Gadget Helpline Facebook Page.