Microsoft Windows 8 is Finished and Now Entering “RTM” Testing

Windows 8 has now officially finished its testing stage and has moved to the RTM final stage before its release on October the 26th. RTM stands for “Released To Manufacturing” and is the final stage for any OS, where the finished Microsoft product is signed off and then sent to its major manufacturers for them to implement the new OS with their own hardware and PC suites.

What this means is that some finalised testing versions will also be flying about the net if you know how to get them and install them for yourself.

Initially the RTM code will be released to OEM (Original equipment manufacturer) partners, those that will be working on the initial range of Windows 8 hardware devices that will be launching on the 26th of October.

Then from the 15th of August the Windows 8 OS final testing software I’ll be released to the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN subscriptions) and IT professionals, with TechNet subscriptions who need to test Windows 8 for wider organisational use will be able to download the final version of Windows 8.

Following that, Microsoft Software Assurance for Windows and Microsoft Partner Network users will be able to access Windows 8 Enterprise Edition the day afterwards for testing, then Microsoft Action Pack Providers (MAPS) will be granted access from August 20th.

What this basically means for consumers is that the OS is finished and now it’s up to the numerous developers around the globe to make their products work with Microsoft’s latest Windows OS before its release on October the 26th 2012.

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