Microsoft Finally Confirms Windows 8 Release Date as Friday 26th October

After months of teasing Microsoft has officially confirmed a released date for its next revision of the widely used Windows operating software.

Following numerous beta builds and unfinished preview versions to keep computing involved in the progress the full consumer ready Windows 8 will arrive in three versions for PC and for the first time it will come running on some soon to be released new tablets as on Friday, October the 26th – this information comes from Microsoft’s President of Windows Division Steven Sinofsky and confirms the general idea that up until now has been unofficial speculation.

The first wave of slates include the recently revealed Microsoft branded Surface and Surface Pro and currently unnamed devices from ASUS, HTC and Nokia – all three amongst the eager manufacturers shaping up hardware to host the new platform. The Gadget Helpline recently revealed the price Windows 7, Vista and XP running PC owners will be expected to pay when upgrading to Windows 8 Pro. Check out our article – Here.

According to early reports Windows 8 was in development even before Windows 7 hit the shelves in 2009, however the newest edition which will change the interface style and function for the first time since the very earliest forms of Windows will bring the stylised ‘titled’ design which is becoming a uniform across the Microsoft brand (look no further than the latest Windows Phone and Xbox 360) and this is a design optimised to best work on its dual role of PC and tablet operating.

Windows 8 is coming. Save the date – Friday, October 26th 2012!

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