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It has been revealed by Mozilla’s design product strategy team that the company is currently working on a new web browser specifically for the iPad, which has been given the name ‘Junior’.

Now, Apple doesn’t actually allow any other web browser technology to be used on iOS apart from Webkit, hence why you won’t be seeing Firefox anytime soon. However, Mozilla want some sort of presence on the Apple platform, and now with the announcement of Junior, they want to do something different and create a new and fresh browser for iOS.

With the new browser, Mozilla has said that it’s a bit of an experiment with design and it considers a lot of current browsers available to be outdated and wants to take a different approach. So when using Junior, you’ll notice that there are two button overlays located on both the left and right hand side of the screen towards the area where your thumbs would naturally rest when holding an iPad.

On the left hand side you’ll be able to navigate back, and by pressing and holding the overlay button you’ll reveal additional functions. The right hand side button will allow you to switch between recently opened pages, launch bookmarks, and enter or search for websites.

Along with the announcement of the Junior browser, Mozilla has also shown off some other new products, the first of which is called Search Tabs. This feature allows users to display search results from multiple sites and display when in one location. The other new item announced is something called Presence, which allows friends and family to communicate with each other on the web.

If you’re interested, make sure you check out the video presentation available on the Mozilla site. Details about Junior appear at about 30 minutes in.

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