Mystery gadget from Samsung Developer Center – Is it the Galaxy Tab 8.9 or new hi-res smartphone?

The Samsung Developer Center is listing a new gadget – However.. no one seems to be sure what exactly it is! Is it a new smartphone with the best display Samsung have yet to offer – or is it the anticipated Galaxy Tab 8.9?

The details are vague, but suggest this gadget (codenamed SHV-E120s) from the Korean co. will feature a high definition 1280 x 780 screen resolution with 16-million colour display. What we can read of the spec sheet does reveal that ”whatever it is” will be coming with Android 2.3 Gingerbread.

We know there’s a Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 coming in August, and the screen spec matches up with rumours we’ve already heard, so maybe it’s the tablet.. If not – What is it?

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